Sunday, October 16, 2011

speaking practice for muet

last week practice for muet speaking(10-13 October). that's me with the stopwatch. it was a very mentally draining and even though I just need to sit and listen but at the end of the day I feel like sleeping as soon as I come home. listening really need you to pay a lot of attention without attention your mind would drift and may not be able to follow the students flow of ideas and their mistake and thus would not be very helpful in giving comment and help them improve their speaking later in the real examination. even though it was mentally draining I did learn a lot from my partner for the speaking task (face not shown) she pick up a lot of things that i was unable and unaware of when students was doing their speaking and it made me a better listener (well that is what i think anyway) so I did learn a thing or two from this week not just the students that came for help but me as well.

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