Friday, December 31, 2010

first day of 2011

Happy New Year now its just 19 more days before I turn 30
new year resolution?
well pay back my uni loan as soon as possible
stay positive and happy plus content with what i have now.
Here is to almost finishing half of my life ...cheers

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Comming 2011

When I was young I always thought that i would get marry at the age of 28.
because my dad was married when he was 28.
BUT that was LAST YEAR this Year i am 29 and after hearing the bells of Christmas 2011 is cumming and i will be 30.
man time fly looks like i won't be getting married anytime soon But there are also a lot of thing i thought i will not be doing but are doing today so like they say "you can't always have what you want"
But 2011 will be a Big Year For me the year I star my age with a 30*+
seem that i am getting older and the days and year seem to go by quicker.....