Sunday, September 16, 2007

China and Taiwan

Taiwan is part of China? well what is your opinion?
Taiwan up till now is not consider a 'country'. it has its own government, its people are Chinese-Taiwanese, an island that is great and produces some of the Best mandarin-singing singer and some of the funniest TV game show ever.
The Taiwanese are some smart-creative bunch of people.
would Taiwan ever get independent? do they need independent?

I personally feel that they should just leave it be.
they are doing fine and why do you want to upset the balance? i would not like to see China and Taiwan at WAR. why? because they may have different opinion about the issues of independent but they are all Chinese and the idea of killing each other over this issues benefit no one in the end.
its not good for the economy and stability of the world and especially so to the South-East Asia.
China is doing fine, business is booming people are happy, last thing they want is a war.
i am with the STATUS QUO leave thing be the way they are.

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